On Wednesday in Brussels, Vice President of the European Commission for Values and Transparency Vera Jourová officially confirmed that there is no reason to institute a procedure against Hungary due to the decisions adopted in connection with the containment of the coronavirus epidemic as the Hungarian legislation and measures are in harmony with EU law, the Justice Minister stated on her Facebook account on Wednesday.

According to Judit Varga, there is a long list of persons who levelled all kinds of accusations at Hungary “without factual arguments and legal analysis” for many long weeks in the midst of a pandemic, and cried ‘dictatorship’ in connection with the passage of the coronavirus legislation.

Now that the Commission has confirmed the unfounded nature of these accusations, the attacks on Hungary have become even “more lacking in credibility, and even more transparent”. At the same time, they are causing much damage and are tying up much useful energy at a time “when everyone’s best efforts would be required,” she wrote.

The Minister highlighted that “despite opposition intrigue and accusations, we cannot forget that in the present difficult times there is no other path than combining our efforts”.

The government will continue to do all it can for the protection of the lives and health of the Hungarian people, and is working to restart the economy within the shortest possible time and to enable a gradual return to normal everyday life, her post reads.

(Ministry of Justice/MTI)