Benediktas Juodka Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs of Lithuania and Pál Völner Secretary of State of the Ministry of Justice had a discussion on Friday in Budapest about migration and regulation in Hungary.

Pál Völner told Hungarian news agency MTI about the meeting by telephone that the Lithuanian party believed that Hungary had served its purpose.

DownloadPhoto: Endre Véssey/Ministry of Justice

He added that during the meeting they had also discussed the importance of distinguishing between immigrants and refugees from a legal point of view, since otherwise the migration situation at the border cannot be handled. The Secretary of State also explained that the Lithuanian party agreed that the Schengen borders had to be protected and the crisis should be tackled at its source, in Syria and Turkey.

Pál Völner said that the Lithuanian delegation had been informed about the regulation of illegal border crossing and the rules concerning the crisis, as well as their exact legal content.

The two parties also touched upon the trial pending before the Court of Justice of the European Union, where Hungary challenged the compulsory settlement quotas.

(Ministry of Justice/MTI)