At the press conference, Minister of Justice László Trócsányi also spoke about the fact that Hungary could expect further legal battles, adding that it was regrettable that the Court had ignored Hungary’s legally sound arguments and had decided that the fundamental stipulations of EU law may be disregarded.

According to the Minister, the ruling has disrupted the balance between the European Union’s institutions: the European Commission is the winner in the case, while the power of the European Council and the European Parliament have decreased.

“When in fact the EU’s political direction should be determined by the European Council, the official body comprised of Europe’s heads of state and government”, he said.

The Hungarian Justice Minister stressed that the Court’s argument is not convincing and serves to underpin the “European mainstream”. “They could have issued a totally different ruling” he pointed out.

The Minister also noted that the standpoint according to which there was no migration crisis in 2015 is difficult to accept. “We will be putting forward new points of view in the infringement proceedings launched against Hungary by the European Commission”, he announced.

Mr. Trócsányi also said that there is a danger of a permanent mechanism being established, which Hungary does not regard as acceptable; Europe must set out on a different path.

In reply to a question, Mr. Trócsányi said the European Court of Justice was the highest possible level, there is no other possibility for legal redress in the case.