It is shocking that Brussels still wants to impose the immigration quotas upon us. Hungary continues to reject the refugee quotas forced upon us from outside, and the decision of the Hungarian people, too, compels the government to take this stance, Pál Völner, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice told the Hungarian news agency MTI on Wednesday.

The government’s representative added that the lawsuit concerning forced resettlement is discriminatory as there are hardly any Member States which have fulfilled the obligation of taking in the required number of migrants; however, Brussels only seeks to punish with the procedures the countries which are opposed to immigration as a principle.

Mr Völner spoke to MTI by telephone after the Luxembourg-based European Court conducted a hearing in Wednesday in connection with the petitions on the infringement procedures instituted against the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary due to the non-execution of the mandatory decision.

By the State Secretary’s account, the Hungarian party repeatedly cited its legal arguments against the quotas. According to their position, they had the right to refuse the execution of the decision on the issue of migration because they believe that its impacts on internal security and public order are negative. At the same time, in this case, necessity and proportionality cannot be assessed as there is irregular migration, he added.

The State Secretary also said that the lawsuit is discriminatory because no infringement procedures have been instituted against several countries which have likewise failed to observe the agreed quotas.

By Mr Völner’s account, the advocate general’s opinion will be completed by 29 July, and a decision is expected to be adopted on the case in the autumn. Regarding its outcome, Mr Völner said it is promising that the court’s questions relate to the interpretation of the law which indicates that the Hungarian party’s reasons are being considered on their merits.

He said it is shocking that Brussels still wants to impose the resettlement quotas upon the Member States. He pointed out that plans emerge from time to time within EU institutions which serve the purpose of the forced resettlement of migrants, and these plans are also supported by the local pro-immigration opposition whenever possible.

“We are convinced that the one-time quotas would only be the beginning. The real objective of pro-immigration forces is to introduce automatic mandatory quotas without an upper limit, or in other words, a relocation mechanism,” Mr Völner said, adding that in the fight against the quotas it is even more important than the lawsuit that Hungary should send a clear message to Brussels at the European parliamentary elections on 26 May: Immigration must be stopped.