“Hungary has submitted its observations to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in the quota case”, Minister of Justice László Trócsányi said at his press conference in Budapest on Friday afternoon.

The Hungarian Government initiated legal action before the Court of Justice of the European Union in December 2015 in the interests of annulling the mandatory relocation quota. Slovakia has also made a similar submission to the Luxembourg court and Poland followed suit soon after. However, Greece, Italy, France, Germany, Sweden, Belgium and Luxembourg have all involved themselves in the case in support of the quota.

DownloadPhoto: Endre Véssey/Ministry of Justice

“It is unacceptable that a decision be made, without consulting the people, concerning a migration issue that could result in a long-term change in the country’s make-up”, the Minister pointed out.

Mr. Trócsányi noted that the court case will set a precedent and Europe is watching, adding that he has lived in Paris and Brussels for several years and knows what it’s like when integration is unsuccessful. “This is an issue that cannot be forced through the Member States”, he stressed.

“Hungary must show strength; this is what the referendum is about. The Hungarian Government rejects the quota, because it solves nothing: less than six thousand of the 160 thousand migrants who Brussels wants to distribute were successfully employed by the end of September”, the Minister said. “While there are 150-200 migrants arriving in Greece every day and another five million waiting in Egypt”, Mr. Trócsányi added.

“The importance of the referendum currently lies in how strongly it will enable Hungary to represent its anti-quota standpoint, and this is why it is important that the referendum should be valid”, the Minister said.

(Ministry of Justice)