“Hungary is complying fully with its international obligations”, the Minister of Justice said in Röszke on Friday.

László Trócsányi visited the transit zone in Röszke to get a first-hand view of the legal aid process, after which he told reporters: “The attacks in Brussels against Hungary’s handling of migration and asylum procedures are absolutely unfounded and must be rejected”.

The Minister said that on Monday he had attended a meeting of the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee on Hungary and migration. The vast majority of MEPs and human rights organisations present strongly criticised Hungary, claiming that it is not complying with its international obligations and is not treating migrants suitably, in addition to which the method of legal aid and administrative procedures were also attacked.

DownloadPhoto: Károly Árvai / kormany.hu

Mr. Trócsányi explained that for this reason he had decided to personally view how the system operated on site. “The State of Hungary provides legal aid, those involved also receive the related information in Arabic, amongst others, and maintaining contact with the various courts also occurs in a professional manner”, the Minister stressed.

“The experts working on site pay attention to their work and are performing their difficult task with professional responsibility”, he said.

DownloadPhoto: Károly Árvai / kormany.hu

The Minister also stressed that migrants and refugees must be differentiated. “Many people are arriving at the Hungarian border who cannot be regarded as refugees”, he added.

“Action must be taken against illegal migration, because otherwise the Schengen borders and the right to free movement will be endangered. Internal borders are coming into existence once again, against which we fought during the regime change”, Mr. Trócsányi emphasised.