On Monday Hungary submitted its counter-application in the infringement procedure to the European Court of Justice, the Minister of State of the Ministry of Justice told the public service media on Thursday in Budapest.

Pál Völner stated: “We still say no to the temporary quotas”. He added that the European Commission turned to the Luxembourg-based court because Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic failed to observe the decision on the acceptance of migrants.

The Minister of State said the arguments of the Hungarian counter-application highlight, among others, that the deadline for the fulfilment of the decision expired last September, and they also cited security considerations.

The purpose of the Brussels attacks is to ensure that a government is formed in Hungary which carries out the decision on immigration. However, immigrants cannot be relocated to Hungary without first consulting the Hungarian Parliament, the Minister of State highlighted. This is what will be at stake in the April parliamentary elections, he added.

(Ministry of Justice/MTI)