“The European Court of Justice is under huge pressure in the quota case; those with the intention of influencing the Court would like the body to dismiss the arguments put forward by Hungary and Slovakia”, Deputy Justice Minister Pál Völner said in an interview for Hungarian daily Magyar Idők published on Tuesday, in which he declared: “Hungary will not open its doors to illegal immigrants”.

The article recalls that the court case launched at the European Court of Justice by Hungary and Slovakia with relation to the mandatory resettlement quota is slowly drawing to a close.

“If the Court decides purely on the basis of legal arguments, then the outlook for our petition is promising. However, the EU judges are under huge pressure, and attempts to influence them have been clearly felt in recent months. Needless to say, these attempts at influencing the court’s decision do not support Hungary’s arguments and the standpoint of the Visegrád Group (V4). No matter the result of the procedure, we cannot open our doors to illegal immigrants”, Mr. Völner said.

“Hungary would have somewhat greater room for movement if the National Assembly had adopted the legislative amendment that would have prevented anyone from being mandatorily resettled in Hungary. At the time, the Bill failed because of Jobbik”, he said, noting that “If the European Court of Justice does not rule in favour of our petition, we will have to review with the issue once again”.

With relation to criticism of Hungary in recent weeks with relation to the NGO Act, the CEU affair and migration, Mr. Völner spoke about the fact that these are seemingly the opinions of individuals, but this is not the case.

“In truth, a carefully constructed and harmonised drive against the Government’s policies has been going on for some time, and accordingly who explains their point of view and when is far from accidental. Let me point out that the three topics are also related: the new regulations on NGOs, the amendment of the Act on Higher Education and Hungarian action against the mandatory resettlement of migrants are all aimed at ensuring that Hungarian interests are enforced in Hungary and that the final word on the most important issues is spoken here at home”, the Minister of State said.

Mr. Völner also spoke about why it would be important for any billionaire, including George Soros, to flood Europe with Asian and African refugees in a generally uncontrolled manner. As he explained, under calculable economic conditions investors can only expect to achieve a calculable profit, which is not particularly high. However, in troubled times that are reminiscent of civil war, huge amounts of money can be made in a relatively short period of time.

“In uncertain conditions, exchange rates can easily experience huge fluctuations and various currencies can suffer major losses in value. Based on what has happened in recent decades, we can state with almost certainty that George Soros is an expert on exchange rates”, he noted, adding that “Europe is no longer what it was a few years ago; it is no longer a region of peace and security”.

According to the Minister of State, we must be wary of the possibility that the norms according to which European societies have operated in past decades will be permanently marginalised. “These norms have been severely put to the test by the wave of migration, and as a result so have the foundations of European culture, in fact. Accordingly, the Hungarian Government is refusing to accept persons who have arrived on the continent illegally without suitable checks”, Mr. Völner stressed.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister)