“A stealthy and expanding legislation can be observed within the European Union, which serves the extension of judicial power and parallel to it the overshadowing of nation states”, the Ministry of Justice’s Parliamentary State Secretary Pál Völner emphasised in an interview for Hungarian daily Magyar Hírlap, adding that in contrast to the Hungarian Government “it is in fact George Soros’s network that is characterised by mafia methods”.

In the article, which was published in Thursday’s edition of the paper, Mr. Völner explained: “Soros’s mercenaries often feel they are above the law, in addition to which their aim is also to manipulate the legal system in accordance with the wished of their master”. The billionaire speculator has his own people within both Hungarian legislation and the European Parliament, and his network also “regularly attempts to put pressure” on members of the judiciary, the State Secretary said.

“The Government is doing everything possible to prevent this, and this is one of the reasons why the ‘Stop Soros’ legislative package was drawn up”, he highlighted. As an example, Mr. Völner said that the lawyers employed by the Helsinki Committee perform activities that are not permitted by Hungarian law then none of the Hungarian authorities will be making an exception in their case either.

With relation to the fact that according to the legislative package organisations that assist illegal migration would be required to register themselves and pay a duty on foreign funding, Mr. Völner said: A relatively lenient system of sanctions will be imposed against organisations that don’t register, but the prosecutor’s office will be initiating court proceedings against organisations that also fail to report foreign funding.

According to the State Secretary, the “Stop Soros” legislative package does not violate international norms, can be complied with, but also includes a suitable level of sanctions. “Taking into account the events of recent years and the latest statement by George Soros, we have no doubt that the legislative package will be attacked in European courts and on European forums”, he said, adding that in view of the fact that the European Court of Justice was also “highly creative” in the quota case, for instance, we wouldn’t be at all surprised if infringement proceedings were also launched against Hungary as a result.

“George Soros, who is accusing the Hungarian Government of being like the mafia, visits the office of Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, like other people visit their relatives”, Mr. Völner said, highlighting the fact that George Soros “called the Orbán Cabinet a mafia government” when in fact “it is precisely his network of organisations that resembles the mafia’s method of operation”. According to the State secretary with is also confirmed by the fact that the Soros organisations protest against all forms of transparency, and “the law of silence is also characteristic of the mafia”.

With relation to the fact that according to a recent decision by the European Court of Justice psychological tests cannot be used during the course of asylum procedures, the State Secretary said: “This could mean a loophole for migrants, and is further proof of the lobbying activities of the ‘Soros organisations’ in Brussels”. “The Helsinki Committee, which is ‘part of the Soros network’, acted on behalf of the claimant in this case, just as it did in the case of the two immigrants from Bangladesh who took Hungary to court”, he noted.

“Now that the quota case has entered its court phase, we are at the beginning of a roughly 18-month procedure”, Mr. Völner said, adding that in his opinion it was out of the question for a ruling to be issued prior to the upcoming Hungarian parliamentary elections. According to the State Secretary, the fact that German Foreign Minister Thomas de Maizière is no longer insisting on mandatory resettlement quotas should have no bearing on the court case. “But if they attempt to repeat the ‘trick’ of pushing the legislation through the Council of Interior Ministers, they could be met with a blocking majority, however”, he said.