Minister of Justice László Trócsányi receive rapporteurs from the Venice Commission, who visited Hungary at the invitation of the Minister to analyse the Act on Public Administration Courts.

At the constructive expert discussion, the Minister explained that a broad professional consensus on the need for an independent public administration court organisation has existed since the 1989 regime change. He pointed out that, together with the regulations on public administration court cases adopted in 2017, the new organisation is providing broader and more effective legal protection at a higher quality with relation to public administration acts.

The Minister emphasised that the guarantees for judicial independence remain in existence with relation to all judges, including public administration judges; the legal status of judges is uniform. All judges ruling in public administration case are still judges, and can choose to practice their profession in public administration courts of within the usual court organisation.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Botár/

With relation to the administration of public administration courts, Mr. Trócsányi highlighted the fact that the administration model for public administration courts is suitable for providing efficiency, transparency and accountability. It also affords court self-administration bodies with broad legal competencies. The legislation under examination is built on balanced cooperation between judicial leaders, court bodies and the Minister.

The Ministry of Justice hopes that objective and professional findings of the official opinion due to be issued in mid-March will contribute to the successful operations of the Hungarian public administration judicial system.

(Ministry of Justice)