“Judit Varga also discussed the future of Europe with Czech Justice Minister Marie Benesová”, the Ministry of Justice said in a statement after the Minister of Justice received her Czech counterpart in her office on Thursday.

The ministers reviewed bilateral relations between the two countries, assessing them to be excellent. The negotiating partners also discussed priority European Union issues. They agreed that the opinions and interests of European citizens must be given high priority in thinking concerning the future of Europe. Member states must make the decisions thanks to which Europe can gain strength unanimously. Ms. Varga emphasised that our common interest can only be a European Union that countries want to join rather than leave.

The Hungarian Justice Minister explained that in her opinion as a first step, the mutual trust between member states that has become shaken as a result of the crises of recent years must be restored. To this end, it is vital that we should put an end to the unfounded accusations citing the principle of the rule of law. The principle of the rule of law can only be further reinforced within the framework of a mechanism that is based on cooperation between member states and on mutual respect for differing national constitutional traditions, the Ministry said in the statement.

In addition, the ministers also discussed issued that are being treated as priorities in their respective countries. Ms. Varga said that at the Ministry of Justice this year is the year of assisting victims, and briefed her negotiating partner on government plans for reinforcing the rights of the victims of crime. The Ministers shared their opinions on legal issues concerning the operations of transnational technology companies.

In the spirit of reinforcing Visegrád Group (V4) cooperation, Judit Varga confirmed her commitment to the launching of the court pleading competition to “hear” EU legal issues (V4 European Law Moot Court). She asked for the involvement of the Czech Republic and wished her Czech counterpart continued success as the Minister of Justice of the current holder of the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union.