On Hír TV’s Saturday programme, the Justice Minister called upon Anna Donáth to resign from politics due to the fact that the Momentum Member of the European Parliament “denied before the entire Hungarian public that she conducted regular consultations with Vice President of the European Commission Vera Jourová on the issue of the rule of law in Hungary”.

If Ms. Donáth takes the rule of law and democracy seriously, after “having been exposed” she must immediately retire from politics, Ms. Varga said.

She pointed out that Ms. Donáth’s leaked video is proof of the fact that the opposition conducted an incitement campaign against the government’s decisions related to the coronavirus epidemic.

“When the Hungarian government and the Hungarian people were working hard to minimise the number of Hungarian lives and the number of Hungarian jobs at risk from the coronavirus epidemic and its consequences, both in Brussels and in Budapest opposition Members of the European Parliament represented Brussels interests based on a carefully pre-written script, and by spreading fake news conducted an incitement campaign against the decisions adopted by the Hungarian government in a state of danger,” the Minister stated.

Ms. Varga said it is shocking that during a public debate on 29 September between them, Ms. Donáth denied that she had held consultations with Vera Jourová.

She did so “whilst in the recording now leaked, she proudly reported that she is in ongoing contact with both Ms. Jourová and Judith Sargentini’s successor, and continuously instructs them in the interest of attaining the Hungarian opposition’s political goals,” she stressed.

According to Ms. Varga, Ms. Donáth’s statements now revealed to the public are embarrassing not only for her and Momentum as well as for all other Hungarian opposition parties, but also “expose” Vera Jourová who on Friday, in an interview given to a Czech newspaper, denied having conducted direct consultations with Hungarian opposition politicians in connection with the rule of law report.

The statements of the “exposed” Momentum MEP make it clear to everyone how Vera Jourová and her left-liberal Brussels allies attack Hungary on the basis of a carefully planned script and fake news reports, and who were behind “the series of coordinated attacks launched against Hungary with unprecedented ferocity” at the time of the coronavirus legislation, she said.

“It is shameful that during a state of health care emergency caused by a pandemic, members of the Hungarian opposition acted like this. If Momentum’s MEP indeed takes the rule of law and democracy seriously, after having been so shamefully exposed, she must immediately resign from politics,” Ms. Varga stated.

Earlier, Ms. Donáth posted on Facebook that in March, when the Hungarian government was “struggling” hard to have the enabling act accepted on the domestic and international scene, Ms. Jourová consulted her several times as one of Hungary’s elected MEPs.

“I and Vera Jourová belong to the same party family, and we are both working for a just, humane and safe world where the rule of law prevails,” the MEP said.

(Ministry of Justice / MTI)