The government offers safe accommodation to victims of domestic violence also while the current disease control measures are in effect. The new rules facilitate communication for divorced or separated parents with their children, Justice Minister Judit Varga said on Thursday, talking to the Hungarian news agency MTI.

The Minister said a person in compulsory home quarantine or under the effect of any other disease control measure implemented in connection with the state of danger cannot leave their home designated for quarantine purposes. At the same time, it is important that such measures cannot prevent or hinder effective police action against those resorting to domestic violence and the issuance of restraining orders.

To this end, the government has decreed that if an abuser is under the effect of a disease control measure, but is unable to move to a new location from their own resources, the police will designate a new place for them which they are obliged to accept. The decree also creates an opportunity for victims to request police assistance with being transferred to a place exclusively reserved for such victims where the conditions for the implementation of disease control measures are available, Ms. Varga added.

She highlighted that the balanced development of children is a primary consideration for the government, and in this it is key that, in the case of divorced or separated parents – unless the court otherwise ruled – children should be able to maintain personal contact with both parents on an ongoing basis. This imposes an enhanced obligation of cooperation on the parents.

She said, according to the restrictions on movement introduced during the state of danger currently in effect, persons are only allowed to leave their homes for essential reasons. Pursuant to the government decree on the restrictions on movement, in the case of divorced or separated parents, maintaining contact with their children qualifies as an essential reason.

The relevant government decree allows divorced or separated parents to ask the court to order the enforcement of their visitation rights in cases where the agreement of the parents has not yet been approved by the court or the competent authority, the Justice Minister said.