Justice Minister Judit Varga firmly rejected criticisms levelled at the proposed legislation about the containment of the coronavirus epidemic in an opinion piece published on Friday on Politico’s website, highlighting that the “hysterical reaction” to the Hungarian emergency measures is proof of the double standards prevalent in the European Union.

“False claims about a power grab in Hungary are spreading as quickly as the coronavirus,” the Justice Minister stressed. She pointed out that Hungary acted swiftly and decisively to contain the epidemic, and the purpose of declaring a state of danger was to protect the lives and health of Hungarian citizens. At the same time, a number of other EU Member States have introduced similar emergency measures. She highlighted that the political attacks on the Hungarian government “are based on an incorrect interpretation, or in some cases intentional distortion”. She added that critics should read the bill first as it does not seek to remove democratic checks and balances, while Parliament can revoke the authorisation granted at any time. In her writing published on the Brussels news portal, the Minister pointed out that the authorisation given to the government is limited, and rule of law is not suspended. “The measures Hungary has taken are necessary, proportionate and limited to fighting the pandemic,” Ms. Varga underlined, calling upon the European Union to afford everyone equal and fair treatment, and to abandon double standards.

(Ministry of Justice / MTI)