On Tuesday in Jerusalem Justice Minister László Trócsányi had talks regarding the issues of terrorism, non-governmental organisations, migration and the laws regulating these matters.

After his talks with his Israeli counterpart Ayelet Shaked, Mr Trócsányi said he had provided information on the Hungarian legal rules concerning non-governmental organisations and the legislation on the transparency of organisations funded from abroad which Israel had introduced two to three years earlier. They agreed that organisations with political aspirations which form themselves into international networks do not typically form part of civil society.

Regarding the issues of migration, Mr Trócsányi rendered an account of the functioning of transit zones and the related procedures. He stressed that the rule of law prevails in Hungary which provides the rights refugees are eligible for on the basis of the relevant international conventions, though Hungary takes a different view on the category of safe countries, and regards Serbia as a safe country. The parties identified terrorism as a common enemy of democracy which must be fought with the toughest means available.

They consulted with respect to the practices in the two countries for the appointment of judges, and decided on the organisation of a joint conference in Budapest next year where attendees will discuss the issue of responsibility for the effective administration of justice.

Mr Trócsányi said he also informed Ayelet Shaked about the Sargentini report which is, in his view, mostly ideologically motivated as the attacks primarily targeted the issues of migration and non-governmental organisations.

They also spoke about cyber security which is particularly important for Israel, and reassured one another of their respective countries’ support in international diplomacy in warding off attacks that may be levelled against the two countries, he said.

Mr Trócsányi had talks with Benny Begin, a member of the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee of the Knesset about the essence of democracy and the issue of equality. In the context of the new Jewish nation-state law, they agreed that the concept of the nation state does not rule out democracy at all.

The Hungarian Justice Minister additionally had talks with several active and retired judges of the reputable local supreme court which also functions as constitutional court, including retired judges Elyakim Rubinstein and Aharon Barak, and active judge Daphne Barak.

They primarily focused on the importance of the constitutional dialogue between the branches of power and the role of the judiciary – which functions within the framework of the state system, but nonetheless enjoys complete independence – as part of which they are required to take into consideration the laws passed by the state upon the application of those laws, he said.

They further discussed possible ways for avoiding tensions between the judiciary and executive power, and as part of this the importance of dialogue, of finding harmony between the interests of the public and the individual, and of guaranteeing the rights of communities.

“Courts must at all times also consider the underlying goal of the legislature”, Mr Trócsányi stressed. He also informed the Israeli judges that the draft of the new legislation on administrative courts will soon be submitted to Parliament in Hungary, and outlined its main elements.

(MTI/Ministry of Justice)