Minister of Justice László Trócsányi addressed a memorial event at Lake Grábler in Várpalota, Western Hungary, to commemorate the tragic fact that in 1945 more than a hundred Hungarians of Roma ethnicity from Várpalota and Székesfehérvár were murdered and their mass grave now lies under the waters of the Lake.

In his speech, he stressed that “what happened at Lake Grábler was the end result of a process, the darkest depths of a steep vortex that began by depriving citizens of their dignity, their equal rights, their property and freedom, and eventually their lives”.

DownloadPhoto: Lajos Nagy/MTI

This vortex must be checked at the very start, he said, also referring to Hungary’s Fundamental Law, which clearly states that human dignity is inviolable and that Hungary guarantees fundamental rights to everyone without discrimination.

The Minister underlined that anti-Semitism, anti-Roma sentiment and all kinds of prejudice are a “slowly-acting poison”, for which the antidote is pure remembrance, support and sympathy.

“I want to represent a justice policy that protects the constitutional idea of equality and facilitates its enforcement”, Minister Trócsányi declared.

(MTI / Ministry of Justice)