Minister of Justice László Trócsányi welcomed EU Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality Vĕra Jourová on 27th February 2015. The Minister informed Commissioner Jourová about the latest legislative measures and presented the Fundamental Law of Hungary. Mr Trócsányi also indicated that most of the previous disputes were settled by legal solutions.

The parties discussed the most important cases on the agenda of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, like counter corruption measures, personal data protection and women’s rights as well.

DownloadPhoto: Endre Véssey

The Commissioner was interested in the Hungarian standpoint regarding the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor's Office and initiated the support of the idea. The Minister declared his countenance and emphasized the significance of the fight against corruption. He also pointed out that several procedural questions were still waiting for clarification and said that further discussions were necessary among the Visegrad countries.

In relation to the draft general data protection regulation of the European Commission Mr Trócsányi underlined that Hungary insists on the national regulation currently in force, which grants a higher level of protection as that is a constitutional requirement.

The Commissioner urged that gender equality should prevail in the governing bodies of commercial companies. She also requested the support of the Hungarian Government in the adoption of the relevant directive. The Minister agreed on the objective of the initiative but he added that the intended legislation should respect the principle of subsidiarity.

(Ministry of Justice)