The legislative package referred to as the Stop Soros package would not allow the operation of organisations which would use migration against the state, Pál Völner, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice said on the evening programme of the public service television news channel M1 on Saturday.

He highlighted that, in the event of the passage of the bill, it would be possible to investigate the path of funds originating from abroad in order to find out what purpose they are supposed to serve and which organisations would be their recipients.

Based on the proposed legislation, screening could also be extended to the heads of the latter organisations to determine whether they committed any offences in the past, whether they gathered data illegally and what funds movements they can be associated with. It would also be possible to determine how many organisations are required for the care of asylum seekers, he added.

There is no point, he said, in maintaining major networks for such purposes even if they are abundantly remunerated from the background.

According to the Parliamentary State Secretary, the purpose of the proposed legislation is not to issue licences to as many organisations as possible, but to allow successful and internationally recognised organisations such as the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta or the Red Cross to operate in Hungary.

There are organisations, however, which are – according to evidence recently revealed to the public – also engaged in certain “side-activities”, including lobbying against Hungary’s interests abroad, he added.