During the course of her official visit to Budapest, France’s Minister for European Affairs Nathalie Loiseau held talks with Minster of Justice László Trócsányi on 13 October 2017.

Within the framework of the meeting, the parties reviewed the main current issues on the EU’s agenda with particular emphasis on migration and the rule of law. In reply to an enquiry on the part of the French Minister, Mr. Trócsányi reported on issues that are of key importance to Hungary and which are currently the subject of infringement proceedings, including the harmonisation of Act LXVI of 2017 on the Transparency of Foreign-Funded Higher Education Institutions, and the amendment of Hungary’s Act on Higher Education, with EU law, and the Hungarian standpoint on the infringement proceedings launched against Hungary with relation to the resettlement quota.

The parties agreed that an agreement on fundamentally important issues that affect the future of the European Union can only be realised if member states have the opportunity to discuss these issues within the framework of real dialogue, and to conduct the debated that are required to achieve progress, during which the special points of view and interests of individual member states and regions within the European Union are taken into account to a suitable extent.

Minister Trócsányi stressed that he is highly appreciative of the French Minister’s visit to Budapest, which has occurred following a long period characterised by the lack of a deep relationship between the two countries. The parties expressed their hope with relation to the fact that the visit will contribute to giving bilateral relations renewed impetus. The Minister also said that the Hungarian Government is committed to supporting Francophonie. The goal of the Francophone University Centre set up four years ago with the help of government funding by Szeged University is to enable students various foreign countries, including from West Africa, to learn about Europe so that they can use the applied knowledge within the field of international relations. “Hungarians students and teachers are also acquiring a better picture of francophone culture thanks to the programme”, the Minister added. Ms. Loiseau said she was extremely appreciative of the work performed by the Francophone University Centre.

(Ministry of Justice/MTI)