“The NGO Act is being criticised exclusively by the same organisations – with funding from George Soros – that are attacking the Government with relation to migration”, Deputy Justice Minister Pál Völner said on Hungarian M1 television’s Wednesday evening current affairs program.

Mr. Völner stressed that the Act involves many more non-governmental organisations, none of which have launched an attack on the Government so far.

“In two months time, in September, it will become clear who, if anyone, has experienced problems as a result of having to report the funding they have received from abroad”, he added.

According to the Deputy Minister, the organisations that are criticising the Act and who claim it is unlawful are also fully aware of Hungarian legal procedure, and for the moment no correspondence has been received from them explaining the concrete legal problems that they claim exist with relation to the new legislation.

“This is just another regulation, like all the others according to which we live our lives here in Hungary”, he added.

(Ministry of Justice/MTI)