At a press conference on Tuesday in Budapest, Minister of Justice László Trócsányi said that our legal arguments are strong in the quota lawsuit.

The Minister said that this is a case of significant importance, which could set precedent, and there are a lot of intervenors on both sides. Slovakia and Poland, for instance, have intervened on the side of Hungary.

The written part of the preparatory period has been closed and Hungary has replied to the inquiry of most intervenors.

There are the three of us, we might be small but our legal arguments are strong, the Minister underlined.

He added that the hearing is expected to take place in January or February next year, where the parties and intervenors declare their positions. The advocate-general will then formulate his opinion which will be submitted to court. The court will then make its decision.

The Minister confirmed that a decision could be made in the second or third quarter of next year. He also said that he will be present at the hearing because he believes his presence is necessary there.