The political attacks against the Hungarian Government’s response to the coronavirus work against a strong and unified Europe, Justice Minister Judit Varga stated in an article published on the Brussels news portal Euractive on Friday.

The Minister recalled that Vice President of the European Commission Vera Jourová had recently confirmed that there was no reason to start an infringement procedure against Hungary.

The fact that the Vice President also actually stressed that there is no reason ‘yet’ to do so makes a mockery out of the principle of equal treatment of Member States. At the same time, one must also admit that after weeks of unprecedented coordinated political attacks against the Hungarian Government during the most serious crisis in the history of European integration, it indeed took some courage from Vice President Jourová to say no, she highlighted.

According to Ms. Varga, under the disguise of European values, Hungary has been turned into an enemy based on claims that Hungary does not respect the fundamental values of European integration, including democracy and rule of law.

“The values that are self-evident and common to us have become a political tool. Abused, they create division instead of unity,” she wrote.

She highlighted that the blatant double standards that have been built up against Hungary suggest that the real issue here is not about the fundamental values of the Union. In her view, the real political agenda is to deepen divisions before the real start of negotiations on the next Multiannual Financial Framework in effect beyond 2021. The actual objective is to put pressure on certain Member States that are, probably by mere coincidence, also the ones who are projected to suffer in relative terms the most significant cuts under the current budgetary proposals.

As the most significant cuts go against the overarching objective of cohesion, such proposals are impossible to defend from an economic or even moral point of view. Hence the political need to demonise the targeted Member States. This political strategy works against a strong and unified Europe, she highlighted.

Among the challenges facing Europe, in addition to the prolonged negotiations regarding future relations between the United Kingdom and the European Union, Ms. Varga also mentioned that the coronavirus epidemic had not been defeated yet and further exceptional measures would be required. The European economy is in need of urgent treatment while further instruments and resources must be found to facilitate its recovery. In this regard, she said it is vital to reach a consensus on the next Multiannual Financial Framework. She further highlighted that the migration crisis was not over yet either. The general paralysis caused by the pandemic situation and the related closures have reduced mass migratory movements across the borders but it is most likely to reappear in an even stronger form as the restrictions are eased, she stressed.

“Today, more than ever, Europe needs consensus building and cooperation. Hungary stands ready to work with all those who are willing to build political consensus in difficult questions,” the Justice Minister underlined.

(Ministry of Justice/MTI)