According to the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, by virtue of the fact that the European Commission has referred the infringement procedure against Hungary to the next phase, the pro-immigration Brussels bureaucrats are safeguarding the Soros network’s interests once again.

Earlier the European Commission issued a communication to the effect that the infringement procedure instituted against Hungary last July due to the “Stop Soros” legislative package had been referred to the next phase. The Commission sent the Hungarian government a so-called reasoned opinion on the issue of the legislative package adopted by Parliament last June and the related constitutional amendment, which means the second step of the procedure.

In response to this, Pál Völner told the Hungarian news agency MTI that the current leadership in Brussels is still not working on protecting the borders and protecting Europe, but on bringing even more migrants into Europe. “This is why the Stop Soros legislative package that was adopted by the Hungarian Parliament stands in their way as it has made the organisation and financing of immigration a punishable offence”, the politician said.

He stressed that the law reflects the will of the Hungarian people, and therefore the government will not repeal it. The European Commission consistently and openly adopts a pro-immigration stance, and is launching attacks – under the guise of legal procedures – against countries and laws which stand in the way of the Soros plan, Mr Völner said.