The Ministry of Justice and the National Office of the Judiciary are holding an international conference entitled “Future best practices in the best interests of the child under the revised Brussels IIA Regulation” in Budapest, on 7- 8 November 2019.

The subject of the conference is the new European Union regulation adopted in June 2019, which reformed the current EU legislation on cross-border family matters concerning children. The new legislation puts more emphasis on the protection of the child’s interests in cross-border custody lawsuits, in proceedings towards the return of children wrongfully removed to other Member States, as well as in cases for the protection of children removed from their families, left without parental custody. The new Regulation stresses the special importance of the right of children to be heard, cooperation between member states has been improved, and mediation is also receiving greater emphasis.

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In his opening speech, State Secretary for Cooperation in European and International Judicial Affairs János Bóka emphasised that ensuring the best interests of the child is a high priority for the Hungarian Government. Accordingly, the main aim for the Ministry of Justice during the elaboration of the new Regulation was to provide more efficient protection to children, and the priority goal of the Ministry following the adoption of the regulation is that the courts and authorities of member states apply the new legislation in this spirit, in a well-prepared and suitable manner. The Ministry, in cooperation with the National Office for the Judiciary, wishes to provide a forum for this via the conference.

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The conference is being attended by judges and members of competent authorities from twenty EU Member States. On the first day of the event, renowned experts on the subject are giving lectures on the new regulation, and on the second day the participants will be able to prepare for the application of the new rules within the framework of interactive workshops.

(Ministry of Justice)