The representatives of Central European Ministries of Justice held discussions, among others, about the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, the reform of the Data Protection Package and the General Data Protection Directive, and the European approval of certain public documents in Budapest on 6th March 2015.

Minister of State for Cooperation in European and International Affairs of the Ministry of Justice Barna Berke noted that, apart from the Visegrad countries; Croatia and Slovenia had also sent a delegation. The dialogue was considered the next phase of a previous practice; a preparation for the next Meeting of the Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs. Participants discussed key legislative proposals like the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. In relation to the proposed regulation of data protection, Barna Berke stated the following: „Hungary insists on the present Hungarian legislation and does not allow to decrease citizens’ protection.”

The representatives also consulted about the possible simplification of mutual recognition of public documents in the European Union. According to the Minister of State, similar opinions were expressed in this matter as well.

Ministers of Justice will meet for further exchange of views and information in Slovakia at the end of May. Discussions will be continued before the next Meeting of Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs during the second half of June.

(Ministry of Justice)