The Hungarian Government will be sending a written reply to the European Commission this week concerning the infringement proceedings launched by Brussels with relation to the fact that Hungary is refusing to implement the EU directives on quotas, Deputy Justice Minister Pál Völner said in a statement for Hungarian daily Magyar Idők.

“According to current calculations, a ruling on the quota case can be expected in early autumn”, Mr. Völner said in the statement. “We will once again be making it clear that Hungary will continue to protect its external borders and that it will also continue to say no to the mandatory resettlement of migrants. The European Commission cannot decide in our place who we will allow entry to, and George Soros most certainly cannot”, the Deputy Justice Minister explained.

With relation to the court case, in which Hungary and Slovakia jointly initiated proceedings at the Luxembourg-based Court of Justice of the European Union concerning the EU directive on the mandatory distribution of migrants, Mr. Völner said the Court’s expert, the so-called Advocate General, will be putting forward his opinion on the case at the end of July, adding that the body is not forced to follow his legal standpoint and are free to deviate from that. “The statement by the Advocate General is however certainly important in view of the fact that the Court usually issues a ruling shortly after it is issued”, he explained.

(Ministry of Justice/MTI)