The Hungarian Justice Minister takes the view that Thorbjorn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe (CE) and his team of lawyers left the meeting conducted with him on Monday in Strasbourg „in a fundamentally positive frame of mind”.

László Trócsányi told the public service current affairs news channel M1 on 29 September 2015, Tuesday, regarding the meeting that, in his view, „things have started moving in a positive direction”. The Minister discussed the contents of the Hungarian laws which entered into force on 15 September in connection with the migration crisis and their practical application with the Norwegian Secretary General of the Council of Europe after Mr Jagland contacted Prime Minister Viktor Orbán by letter in order for the Council of Europe to examine the laws in question. In answer to a journalist’s question as to whether he was satisfied with what he heard from the Minister, Thorbjorn Jagland said that this is a complicated issue because the Hungarian laws introduced in mid-September must be subjected to a more thorough scrutiny as at this point in time they only have the information which is available in the media.

(Ministry of Justice/MTI)