The infringement procedure instituted due to the Stop Soros legislative package is likely to end before the European Court because the Hungarian government continues to insist on not wanting immigration without Parliament’s approval, and the illegal facilitation of migration will also remain a punishable offence, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Justice Ministry said at his Friday press conference in Esztergom.

Pál Völner highlighted that in the national consultation 99 per cent of respondents supported the government’s position, and earlier the Constitutional Court, too, confirmed the legality of the decisions adopted. Opposition forces and non-governmental organisations contested the legislative package before the latter forum.

The politician recalled that during the infringement procedure the government duly responded to Brussels’ concerns, following which they sent a letter containing a reasoned opinion; Hungary has until March to send an answer to the reasoned opinion.

“In our answer we stand up for the amendment of the Fundamental Law, and argue our position that we do not want immigration without the Hungarian Parliament’s approval, and that the illegal facilitation of immigration will continue to remain a punishable offence,” Mr Völner said.

The State Secretary took the view that as Brussels’ position is obvious, the case is likely to end before the European Court. The Hungarian position is legally sound and well-founded, is in line with the Geneva Conventions, and also complies with the provisions of the Schengen Agreement and the Dublin Regulation, he pointed out.

In answer to a journalist’s question, the politician said the countries concerned and Brussels will not let go of the topic of the mandatory resettlement quotas because this is what they are using to turn public opinion in their countries against others to conceal their own mistake.

(Ministry of Justice/MTI)