As a member of the Government of Hungary, former Ambassador to Paris and father, I was deeply shocked to hear of the series of senseless attacks which claimed the lives of numerous victims in Paris last night.

I wish to offer my condolences to the victims’ relatives, and wish the injured a swift and full recovery. At the same time, I invite all people of good will to a commemoration at 5.00 p.m. on 14 November 2015 outside the French Institute (1011 Budapest, Fő utca 17.). Hungary expresses its deep sympathy for the French nation after these brutal attacks on it. As a sign of our sympathy and solidarity, we shall remember the innocent victims in silence with bowed heads and the lighting of candles. Let us send the message to the whole world that we condemn every form of violence and stand up for our common European values.

Signed, László Trócsányi

(Ministry of Justice)