“The 1956 Hungarian Revolution showed the whole world that the Hungarian nation wanted to return to Europe, to live in freedom and not in intimidation locked up behind the iron curtain”, declared Minister of Justice László Trócsányi in Brussels at the commemoration and concert on the 60th anniversary of the 1956 Revolution and War of on 26 October 2016.

In his speech before the concert of the Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, László Trócsányi reminded the audience of the positive connotations in Europe of the word revolution representing the concepts of freedom, justice, progress, human dignity and national independence.

He emphasised that in Hungary these important words inspired students and workers to go to the streets on 23 October 1956, and gave them strength until 04 November.

“The Hungarian revolution proves that the Hungarian nation belongs to the nations of Europe”, he added. He stressed that the revolutionaries of 1956 had fought not only for the freedom of their own nation but also for the whole of Europe. The freedom won in 1989, when Hungary regained its place in the free world, is the legacy of the revolutionaries.

“If 60 years ago, in circumstances much harsher than our present situation, our fathers and grandfathers had the strength to believe in a better life, then we too must have faith that Europe, together with Hungary and Belgium, will be able to find the appropriate answers to the challenges of today”, said László Trócsányi.

Belgian Minister of Justice Koen Geens mentioned in his speech that Belgium had admitted Hungarian refugees not only after the Second, but also already after the First World War and during the Cold War. The country also opened its doors when Hungarians raised their voices and wanted to break free from the shackles of the Communist regime.

The youths in the street demanded the freedoms of speech, opinion and press, which still belong to the core values of Europe.

“The brutal suppression of the Hungarian Revolution revealed the true face of Communism, but could not take away the yearnings for freedom from the Hungarian nation, which could finally manifest itself in 1989, following the regime change when Hungary found again its place in the heart of Europe”, he said.

Koen Greens underlined that it had been such a brave act in the spirit of yearning for freedom that it should inspire every European citizen. This is the proud legacy of Hungary setting an example for the whole of Europe in the present dire political situation.