“Brussels is viewing the European Court of Justice’s recent ruling against Hungary as a green light for speeding up and automating the rapid admittance of migrants into the continent”, the Ministry of Justice’s Parliamentary State Secretary and Deputy Justice Minister, Pál Völner said in an interview published in Hungarian daily Magyar Hírlap on 2 October 2017.

Mr. Völner said with relation to the quota decision on the resettlement of migrants, the deadline for which expired last week: “What Brussels is expecting is impossible to implement in practice, meaning this is clearly a political effort aimed at paving the way for a permanent distribution mechanism”. “They have already announced that they want to continue the resettlements and have also spoken about a relocation programme concerning another fifty thousand migrants”, he added.

“The announcement by the European Commission has confirmed the fact that Brussels is working at full throttle to implement the Soros Plan, and they are talking about more and more resettlements. It is clear that Brussels is viewing the European Court of Justice’s recent ruling as a green light for speeding up and automating the rapid admittance of migrants into the continent”, he declared. According to the Deputy Justice Minister, the open references to a blue card that would serve as a work permit is a warning that the EU now openly wants to legalise the admittance of economic migrants into Europe, exactly as stated in the Soros Plan. “And this in turn could cause millions of migrants to set out for Europe, because the message that Brussels is sending with all this is that the door of Europe are wide open”, he added.

Mr. Völner pointed out that it has been George Soros’s plan from the very beginning for there to be a permanent mechanism, and for the financing of the programme to occur to the detriment of cohesion funding, via tax increases, and through requiring member states to take on loans.

“The opinion of European citizens and Europe’s leading politicians do not necessarily coincide, and perhaps there is hope that in time new governments will come into power whose standpoint is more similar to that of Hungary”, he added. The State Secretary said it was disappointing that no breakthrough or change can be perceived at the European Commission, and Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker “continues to insist on his totally mistaken policy”.

According to Mr. Völner, a permanent resettlement quota would require new legislations, but it is probable that “they will come up with another legal trick, like they did in September 2015”, which was unlawful according to the Government’s standpoint, and push through their ideas with a majority vote.

As he explained the European Council of heads of state and government would require a unanimous decision, meaning Hungary could veto any and all proposals for a permanent distribution mechanism with no upper threshold. The European Parliament could also have a say in the matter, but on the one hand Mr. Völner said he didn’t feel the EP was a strong enough actor to raise obstacles to such a plan, and secondly “I am fully aware of the fact that a significant number of MEPs, more than two thirds of them, are committed supporters of Soros”, he noted.

According to the Deputy Minister, the German elections send a strong message: “German voters also view border protection as being more important than admitting migrants”. “If the previous grand coalition remains in power, then we cannot count only any significant changes in this respect, but according to the Liberals, once the war is over the migrants should be taken back to where they came from, while the greens are pro-immigration”, he explained.

Mr. Völner added that in his opinion the parliamentary presence of the AfD would, however, restrict Chancellor Merkel’s room for manoeuvre.

“If this dispute with regard to immigration continues, then the party could gain further strength. Either the Western European elite continues to erode themselves with this issue, or they accept the opinion of the silent majority and switch momentum back a few gears”, he declared.

The State Secretary also mentioned that the Government would like to achieve the highest possible participation in the upcoming National Consultation on the Soros plan, because the opinion of the Hungarian people is important to the Government, to enable it to make decisions accordingly in future and represent the will of Hungarian citizens in the continuing disputes with Brussels. “The pressure is not receding, and accordingly we must also show from time to time that we are continuing to resist”, he emphasised.