According to Deputy Justice Minister Pál Völner, the European Commission is holding a kind of show trial with regard to the quota, in view of the fact that it has not launched infringement proceedings against every state that is not conforming to the related resolution. “The standpoint of the Commission is ‘in line with the will of George Soros’, who wants Brussels to adopt his own migration plan”, he highlighted.

At a press conference on 13 July in Budapest, Mr. Völner said: “The reason that the EU body has launched infringement proceedings against Hungary is most probably that the country represents the most pronounced standpoint on the issue and has even gone to court to have it validated”.

The Deputy Justice Minister emphasised that several member states have failed to fulfil their undertakings with relation to the resettlement of immigrants: many have not accepted any immigrants at all, or have accepted much fewer than they undertook to receive, and as a result only 11.8 percent of the number originally determined have in fact been resettled.

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“Brussels has issued a resolution that it is totally impossible to apply”,

he said.

“Hungary had until 13 July to reply to the EU with regard to why it had not fulfilled its responsibilities in accordance with the resolution. In its reply, Hungary listed ten legal arguments explaining why the country does not have to conform to the resolution”, Mr. Völner told the press.

“Hungary had four weeks to provide a reply instead of the usual two months”, he added.

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According to the Deputy Justice Minister, the Commission’s standpoint on the issue is “in line with the will of George Soros”, who wants Brussels to adopt his own migration plan.

“Hungarian voters have expressed their opinion at a referendum and two National Consultations”, he said.

“We are fully aware of what people think”, and accordingly the Government firmly rejects the quotas, Mr. Völner said, declaring: “We are not prepared to fulfil refugee quotas that are forced upon us, or to accept the resettlement of immigrants who we don’t want, in any form”.

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In reply to a question, the Deputy Justice Minister told reporters that a ruling in the quota case that is currently before the European Court of Justice is expected in the autumn.

(Ministry of Justice/MTI)