The parliamentary state secretary of the Ministry of Justice believes that the news referring to the corridors of Brussels is another sign that the left is trying to invalidate the referendum initiated by the Hungarian government and spreading “unfounded and false news in order to achieve this".

Pál Völner reacted to MTI, the Hungarian News Agency, in response to the fact that on Friday the news portal wrote the following, referring to a source of information: the parliamentary state secretary "personally reassured a member of the European Commission", that one of his earlier statements where he declared, among other things, that if the referendum on 2 October were successful and the no votes won, then Brussels could send here migrants only if the Hungarian Parliament voted for it, was a political exaggeration, and should not be taken absolutely seriously.

Referring to the information for the press, DK (Democratic Coalition) wrote that Fidesz had admitted in Brussels that it would have a pseudo-referendum in October, while MSZP (Hungarian Socialist Party) stated that Fidesz admitted abroad that it was lying about the quotas.

The parliamentary state secretary believes that it is not the first case of “attempts to use unfounded news to put pressure on the Hungarian government” and attack the referendum with the intention of restricting national sovereignty.

He emphasised that the Hungarian government was committed to holding the referendum, since Hungary’s future was at stake, as the decisions in Brussels meant too big risks for the country and for the families living here “and we cannot and must not take those risks”.

"Indeed, the referendum is perfectly genuine, since our aim is to change the decisions of the Brussels bureaucracy and prevent forced resettlement. Therefore, we ask people not to take risks and cast a no vote”, he stressed.

He added that DK and the other opposition parties are requested to openly indicate their opinion, whether they answer with yes or no to forced resettlement, because “calling for a boycott is not an answer”.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)