An overwhelming majority of Hungarian people would like to see a strong Europe built on nation states, the Hungarian Minister of Justice said in Brussels at a press conference following the session of the General Affairs Council on Tuesday.

The trust deficit with the European Union has to be wiped out, Judit Varga said.

The politician asserted that in the debate accompanying the series of conferences about the future of Europe, Hungary “will continue to say no to the cloudy utopia of the pro-immigration liberal mainstream advocating for the United States of Europe”.

Hungary wants a Europe that “focuses on solving real problems instead of conducting concocted procedures”, she added.

Judit Varga pointed out that the conference must not focus on a single Member State, a single region and a single ideology, but it must take into account the interests of all stakeholders.

The Minister of Justice called the Croatian Presidency focusing on Europe’s competitiveness right.

This reflects the main idea behind the Hungarian EU policy that calls for the creation of such a competitive and secure Europe that keeps sight of the interests of the European people every day and in every decision, she informed.

In the matter of European funds, the main lines have already been drawn, each country has their own ideas about what they want. The southern and central European states are against the planned truncation of the Cohesion Funds, Judit Varga said.

The Minister of Justice called Brexit a sad fact.

She added: she considers it even sadder that the EU institutions did not do anything for handling Great Britain’s problems, instead they just let them to vote themselves out of the EU.