The problem of migration must be handled outside Europe, otherwise we will be in endless discussion about new multitudes of refugees and their distribution, Minister of Justice László Trócsányi told Greek news portal

The Minister took a stance in favour of the reinforcement of Frontex, the European Union’s border security agency, and called for rapid solutions that prevent the multitude of immigrants from entering Europe. In Mr. Trócsányi’s view, there is a need for dialogue and it must be taken into account that Europe’s peoples are different. “This is not the United States”, he said, explaining that every country has its own history and each nation has its own opinion, culture and experiences.

“France is different for instance, which has experience from Africa, or Germany, which is a large country with a huge industry, or the states of Central Europe, which to all intents and purposes only became independent a few decades ago”, Mr. Trócsányi said, adding that in his opinion this is why “we believe in a solution that is not technocratic. We would simply like a solution that is accepted by all nations of the European Union”.

The Minister of Justice said he thought the Juncker plan was a superficial solution, likening it to an engineer who only looks at his plans and accounts, but doesn’t talk about the reasons for the situation.
“In Hungary’s view, we must first find the causes of the situation and a way of helping, and only then can we begin discussing how to implement a solution and responsibilities both inside and outside Europe”, he explained.

In reply to a question concerning the fact that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had recently blamed Greece for the migration crisis, Mr. Trócsányi said that the criticism had been expressed in defence of the Schengen system, which is close to collapse, and this is something that Hungary would like to avoid.

Explaining the reasons for the construction of the border security fence along Hungary’s southern border with Serbia, Mr. Trócsányi said that a solution had to be found to ensure that everyone entered Hungary legally, and cited the Government’s important obligation to protect the EU’s external borders, explaining that “the fence does not mean that Hungary doesn’t care about the refugees; there will be points where they can enter the country”.

In reply to a question concerning the future of the European Union, Minister Trócsányi said the EU was an asset that was based on joint solidarity and responsibility. “We would like to live in a Europe that isn’t divided into large and small countries, in which every country is equally valuable and in which stronger countries take into account the opinion of smaller countries.”

(Ministry of Justice)