According to Pál Völner, the opposition is teeming with political figures who are open to blackmail and who serve foreign interests. “If these people were to come into power the country would become vulnerable, they would demolish the border security fence and George Soros would be rubbing his hands in glee”, the Ministry of Justice’s Parliamentary State Secretary said in an interview for Hungarian daily Magyar Idők.

“It is a common phenomenon for the various measures of the incumbent government to be criticised or even attacked during an election campaign, but far from common is the fact that this criticism is not launched by opposition parties, but by various so-called civil organisations. And this is exactly what is happening now here in Hungary”, the State Secretary said in the interview, which was published on the Monday, 5 March edition of the paper. According to Mr. Völner, the process has been carefully planned, and both the timing and the choice of topic serves political interests.

In the State Secretary’s opinion, Hungary has already brought Soros to a halt once by constructing the fence and stopping illegal immigration, but the stop sign must be raised once again, and this is something that Parliament can do by adopting the Stop Soros legislative package. “The regulations cannot be passed during the current term, which lasts until April, because the Fidesz-KDNP government coalition does not currently have a two-thirds majority, and the opposition parties cannot be counted on to protect Hungary”, Mr. Völner pointed out.

Accordingly, Pár Völner believes that voters taking part in the 8 April elections will in fact be voting about whether Hungary should become an immigrant country, or if instead we should further reinforce the anti-immigration national government. “If the country’s independence and defence are important, the Fidesz-KDNP coalition is the only right choice”, the State Secretary emphasised, noting that: “If the opposition were to come into power, the country would be governed by people who are under the influence of George Soros and who would allow themselves to be blackmailed, and who for this reason would obediently settle migrants in Hungary”.