“Jean-Claude Juncker is the sound of pro-immigration Brussels, and we have become used to the Commission repeatedly attacking because it is not pro-immigration; what they want to achieve is for us to demolished the fence and allow the migrants in”, the Ministry of Justice’s Parliamentary State Secretary Pál Völner said in an interview for Hungarian political daily Magyar Idők.

In the interview, which was published in the 14 September edition of the paper, the Deputy Justice Minister also spoke about the fact that “Brussels could be launching a court case against Hungary within the next few days because of the quota affair, meaning we are only at the very beginning of the immigration battle”.

“The legal situation is clear; the Luxembourg court’s ruling state that the EU resolution is valid, meaning the decision on quotas to determine the temporary distribution of migrants in September 2015 was made within a suitable framework. However, the day after the quota ruling, the EC’s Commissioner for Migration already announced that they would be putting forward a proposal for the establishment of a permanent mechanism before the end of this year, which means that the resettlement of migrants would be continuous”, he explained, adding “the quota case was only the beginning, the major battles will only begin now”.

“…we acknowledge the ruling. An extremely important detail, however, is that the decision by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) does not represent a reason for Hungary to change its immigration policy, which rejects the transfer of migrants. The ruling of the ECJ represents no commitment for Hungary; this ruling only concerns the fact that the quota decision was lawful according to the Court”, Mr. Völner said.

“In the court case, which came to a close last week, Hungary and Slovakia had attacker the European Council’s quota resolution. The upcoming court case, however, may be launched by the European Commission with relation to the fact that the resolution has not been implemented”, he recalled. “In the possible new procedure the judges in Luxembourg will have to decide whether it is mandatory for Hungary to accept the transfer of migrants, if so, how many, and if it does not fulfil this requirement then what sanctions it can expect”, he said.

In reply to a question concerning when the possible second quota case might begin and come to a close, the Deputy Justice Minister said: “This doesn’t depend on us, but on Brussels. It is not impossible that the European Commission could submit its case against us to the European Court of Justice within the next few days. The first procedure took over 18 months, and so unless the EU judges deviate from their usual procedure, it will be 2019 by the time the second ruling is issued”.

With relation to next year’s elections, Mr. Völner said what is at stake is whether Viktor Orbán’s national government remains in place, or whether it will be replaced by a pro-immigration government that is prepared to demolish the fence and implement the quota ruling. “Brussels and the Soros networks will be doing everything possible to place a pro-immigration administration at Hungary’s helm”, he added, declaring that voters can be absolutely sure that this government will never consent to Hungary being turned into an immigrant country”.