The time has come for an apology, not only on the part of European politicians, but equally from the Hungarian opposition, Justice Minister Judit Varga said on the Thursday evening programme of the Hungarian public service television news channel M1.

Ms. Varga recalled that the Hungarian measures implemented in connection with the epidemic are in harmony with EU law also according to EU Commissioner Vera Jourova.

She said every EU Member State has declared a state of emergency, and has begun efforts to contain the coronavirus. This is what Hungary itself did, and the law – which was then attacked by the Hungarian opposition and by foreign politicians “singing from the opposition’s hymn sheet”, with robust support from liberal media outlets – created the possibility for these containment efforts.

Vera Jourova recognised that the much-attacked Hungarian law is in harmony with EU law. Finally, someone openly admitted that they were unable to prove that we were guilty, the Minister said.

Also on this occasion, they followed the same old patterns as in the rule of law proceedings under Article 7, and when we refuted each and every item of fake news, they said ‘that’s all very well and good, but overall the picture is very negative’, Ms. Varga observed.

She added that the majority of Member States are protecting the lives of their citizens, and have a vested interest in pragmatic cooperation. It is only a few politicians who are busy forging political capital out of trying to create an enemy; this may well have been a tactical move on their part.

(Ministry of Justice / MTI)