“Pro-migration liberals are afraid that the distribution of power within the European Union will shift following the 2019 European Parliament (EP) elections, so they will be trying to push through the Soros Plan and introduce the mandatory and permanent quota mechanism for the distribution of migrants within the upcoming period”, Deputy Justice Minister Pál Völner told Hungarian daily Magyar Idők.

In an interview published in Monday’s edition of the paper, Mr. Völner recalled that roughly two weeks ago the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) voted in favour of a proposal stating that there is a need for a permanent quota mechanism with no upper threshold to distribute migrants arriving in the EU, in which it would be mandatory for all member states of the European Union to take part. This fully corresponds with the ideas put forward by George Soros, he added.

The Deputy Minister also pointed out that the majority of MEPs who voted in favour of the proposal adopted by the LIBE Committee were “in George Soros’s pocket”.

“A few months ago a list was leaked detailing the names of those Members of the European Parliament who for various reasons can be regarded as friends of George Soros, or who are under obligation to him. 43 MEPs voted in favour of the LIBE Committee proposal on mandatory and unlimited resettlement; the names of 23 of them appear on that list”, Mr. Völner explained.