We continue to expect an apology from those who have levelled unfounded accusations at us and spread malignant fake news about us for weeks, the Justice Minister wrote on her Facebook account on Tuesday.

Judit Varga said on Tuesday she wrote a letter to Vice President of the European Commission Vera Jourova in which “I expressed my profoundest appreciation due to the fact that, despite the barrage coming from left-liberal politicians and journalists, she remained objective, evaluated the Hungarian coronavirus legislation purely on the basis of legal criteria, and confirmed that it is not in violation of EU law”.

Referring to the coronavirus epidemic, she pointed out in continuation that she finds it deeply unfair that for weeks the Hungarian government “was in the crossfire of unprecedented, coordinated political attacks” at the time of the most serious crisis in the history of 21st century Europe.

“We continue to expect an apology from those who have levelled unfounded accusations at us and spread malignant fake news about us for weeks, thereby seeking to intentionally damage Hungary’s reputation and insulting the Hungarian people,” she wrote.

According to Ms. Varga’s post, with her message she enclosed an updated table for the European Commission in which they compare the legal foundations for the measures adopted in various EU Member States in the crisis. 

“We sincerely hope that with this we could finally help to promote” the development of a constructive dialogue in the EU instead of unfounded accusations, the Minister stressed.

Ms. Varga recalled that the Commission had earlier promised to scrutinise the measures adopted in each Member State. “However, so far we have not heard any news about such an investigation. We have done our homework, now it is the Commission’s turn,” she wrote.

She said it is incomprehensible that next week the European Parliament will again intend to conduct a debate about the Hungarian legislation. “This is a time for fighting the virus, not for selfishly seeking political gain.”