Hungary stands by the closure of the border against György Soros, and by doing so Hungary equally protects Europe’s Schengen borders and the country itself, protects public security, and provides assistance with preventing acts of terrorism that affect Western-European countries, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Justice Ministry spoke about this at his press conference held on 18 July 2017.

Pál Völner said this in the context of the fact that Hungary answered the European Union’s latest communication in which it raised objections to the legislation related to the guarding of the borders.

According to the State Secretary, this legislation indeed „goes against the plan raised by György Soros which seeks to settle hundreds of thousands of migrants into Europe annually”. The fence physically prevents their entry into the country, while live force defence transports back to the border those who succeed in crossing the border despite the fence where they may apply for refugee status in the transit zone.

DownloadPhoto: Endre Véssey/ Ministry of Justice

“In contrast to what human rights activists, people smugglers and György Soros would like to achieve, the Hungarian regulation – strictly adjusted to the relevant international norms – only grants refugee status in cases when the life of the refugee coming from the country where he or she actually arrives from is genuinely under threat”, Mr Völner said. He added: the legislation concerning refugees explores strictly within the boundaries of the Geneva Conventions whether it is necessary to grant the applicant refugee status.

The State Secretary pointed out: not a single immigrant coming from the direction of Serbia has to date been able to ascertain that their life is in jeopardy there. He drew attention to the fact that the EU also disputes that Serbia is a safe country, but in his view the Hungarian position is clearly defensible as Serbia is seeking to join the European Union, takes part in EU programmes and its refugee care system is supported by the EU.

DownloadPhoto: Endre Véssey/ Ministry of Justice

Mr Völner likewise described as „defensible” the part of the legislation found objectionable which provides that refugees are not given monetary benefits as part of the care they receive. He added: the Hungarian State caters for their needs in other forms, such as the availability of wireless Internet, television entertainment and a playground for families within the confines of the transit zone. One of the latest reports of the Commission also confirmed that minors are not exposed to any threat in the zone, he remarked.

In answer to a journalist’s question, the State Secretary further pointed out: he presumes that the series of infringement procedures instituted against Hungary will continue as “they all stem from the same source”. In his view, this situation will continue to prevail “until they finally accept that deciding on whom we want to live together with forms part of our national identity”.

(Ministry of Justice/MTI)