The Transport Ministers of the Visegrád Countries and Austria, Vice President of the European Commission Maroš Šefčovič and EU Commissioner for Transport and Mobility Violeta Bulc attended the Bratislava Meeting on 26 March, 2015. The discussion held on board a train to Zilina focused on the work plans for the transport corridors affecting V4 countries, the efficient utilisation of CEF funds and the investment stimulation programme of the Juncker-package.

At the end of the meeting, the Transport Ministers of Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia as well as Minister of State for Transport Policy László Tasó representing Hungary signed a Memorandum of Understanding. In the document, the Visegrád countries committed themselves to increasing the number and enhancing the utilisation rate of cross-border road connections and confirmed their commitment to cooperation in every field. Parties agreed to take coordinated steps in the transport sector so as to obtain further EU resources.

"The expenses essentially required for transport development should not be burdened to a significantly higher degree than currently on either the users or on taxpayers. At the same time, considering the seriously reprehensible PPP projects of previous governments, Hungary has really bad experience with the involvement of private capital. What is needed is fundraising based on uniform rules and operating in a transparent way; this is one of the challenges to be met by the EU today. A most important question after opening the Juncker-package is how European capital can be made to work in a safe way ", Minister of State László Tasó pointed out.

(Ministry for National Development)