In mid February, the European Commission approved both Hungarian Operational Programmes worked out under the supervision of the Ministry of National Development. Within the Integrated Transport Development Operational Programme (ITOP) and the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme (EEEOP), funding in total of more than HUF 2,000 bn can be applied for in 2014-2020.

The Integrated Transport Development Operational Programme mobilising EU funds of HUF 1,032 billion is to provide support among others for the construction of still missing road sections between the country borders and county seats, the electrification of railway lines, the elimination of railway bottlenecks and slow zones, the acquisition of suburban multiple units and local buses and the establishment of passenger transport hubs and transit connections.

As a result of the developments, the accessibility of cities, towns, and economic regions of outstanding importance is to improve in all parts of the country. The service standard of community transport is to increase; travel times are to noticeably shorten along the Hungarian railway network. TDOP includes supporting the completion of earlier started projects implemented in sections as well as preparing new investments. In addition, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) may contribute by another HUF 400 bn to the development of the Hungarian sections of international road, railway and waterway core network corridors.

The funds of the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme receiving EU subsidies of HUF 997 billion may decisively be spent on flood prevention and surface water management, disaster management, the implementation of drink water and wastewater treatment goals, the development of waste disposal and utilisation systems, nature protection investments, the use of renewable energy resources  and building energy modernisation.

Through the implementation of the developments funded by EEEOP, Hungary is to meet the EU derogation requirements in the field of drink water and wastewater, and the personal and property security of almost 1.1 million citizens living in flood risk areas is to improve. Thanks to the investments, the number of households with selective waste collection is to considerably grow. As a novelty of the 2014-2020 period, EU funds will also be made available for the energy modernisation of residential buildings. The energy efficiency investments will generate contract orders for the Hungarian construction and machine industries and their implementation will help push down energy consumption and further reduce the overhead costs of families in Hungary.

Within the framework of the two operational programmes, Hungary can spend, considering own funds as well, almost HUF 2,400 bn on transport, environmental and energy efficiency investments in the years to come.

(Ministry of National Development)