“The Hungarian economy has overcome the impasse and is clearly on a growth trajectory”, Minister of National Development Miklós Seszták said on Thursday in Csorna, at the inauguration of Hantech Zrt’s business premises, which have been modernised at a cost of 70 million forints.

Mr. Seszták stressed that the continuous development of the economy requires “active and cooperating enterprises” such as Hantech, which has two hundred employees, making it one of the city’s largest employers.

DownloadPhoto: Ágnes Bartolf

The Minister of National Development also noted that when the Government decides on development funding what it primarily assesses is whether entrepreneurship, developmental drive, a determined entrepreneurial plan and a strategic approach are concurrently present. Hantech Zrt. is such a business and although the funding received for this modernisation project was not particularly high, the equivalent of some eighty-five thousand euros, it is important to the company’s employees, because the modernisation means the operation of the company has become more stable, the Minister added.

Hantech manufactures parts for baling machines and produces almost exclusively for export, primarily to the countries of the European Union and to the United States of America. Its most important domestic partner is agricultural machinery manufacturer Claas Hungária Limited. The company closed last year with revenues of HUF 3.8 billion (EUR 12 million) and is expecting turnover of 3.5-3.6bn for this year. The modernisation of the premises included the replacement of all doors and windows and of the sewage and heating systems, as well as the construction of a steel-framed production hall that has increased the production area by 15 thousand square metres. The company needs highly trained workers, in view of which 72 students will begin their internships at the plant in early September.

(Ministry of National Development)