Hungary’s supply of natural gas has not been endangered by the gas explosion in Austria. The country’s daily natural gas requirements can be continued to be met smoothly using natural gas imported via Ukraine, gas stored in underground gas storage facilities and Hungary’s own natural gas production.

Together, the quantity of natural gas kept in reserve in Hungary’s natural gas storage facilities, Ukrainian imports and Hungarian natural gas production guarantee the continuous and secure supply of gas to the public and to industrial consumers throughout the winter period.

The level of Hungary’s stored gas reserves has never been as high as it was this year. 23 percent more gas, a total of 4.3 billion m3 was available in Hungary’s gas storage facilities by the beginning of the winter heating season compared to the same period last year. The minimum level of natural gas reserves that must be stored according to regulations has also increased: from 915 million m3 to 1,200 million m3.

(Ministry of National Development)