The general directors of aviation of six Central-European countries laid down plans for the coming years for enhancing the general efficiency of air navigation services in Budapest on 7 May, 2015.

The performance plan for the years 2015-2019 establishes national and common objectives in the fields of aviation safety, environmental protection, capacity and cost efficiency.

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The foremost intention of the European Union in the field of civil aviation is to establish a Single European Sky by completely redesigning the European air space. Flying should be made ten times safer, while the environmental impact of flights should be reduced tenfold by 2020. As a priority means for the efforts, the European air space has been arranged into nine bigger regional units instead of the earlier system adjusted to state borders. Hungary, alongside with Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia and Slovenia is a member of the Central European Functional Airspace Block (FABEC).

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The measures and investments for the enhanced cooperation of the aviation services of FAB’s are laid down in five-year performance plans, which are finalised by Member States after consultations with airlines and the European Commission. The operation and investments of aviation services according to the performance plans will help dramatically reduce the significant delays earlier experienced in the European air space. By designing a shorter and more efficient route network, fuel consumption and harmful substance emission are also to be reduced.

Deputy State Secretary for Transport and General Director of Aviation Zsolt Becsey said on the occasion of the signing ceremony: “The new performance plan has been worked out on the basis of the implementation experience from the national action plan passed in 2011. Coordinating national efforts will facilitate more efficient operation from the economic and environmental aspects as well as the further enhancement of the current high level of aviation safety in Hungary and Central Europe. The common goals set by the European Union will be implemented at the FABEC level.”

(Ministry for National Development)