MOL Magyar Olaj- és Gázipari Nyrt. may conclude a concession contract for hydrocarbon prospection, exploration and production in the areas of Bázakerettye, Bucsa, Jászárokszállás, Mezőtúr, Okány West and Zala West. PannErgy Geotermikus Erőművek Zrt. has obtained the right to prospect for, extract and utilise geothermal energy (in respect of the area of Győr) in the mining tender invited for the fourth time. Joint communication of the Ministry of National Development and the Hungarian Office for Mining and Geology.

The Minister for National Development made his decision based on the evaluation and unanimous recommendation of the qualification committees and in accordance with the provisions of Act XVI of 1991 on concession and Act XLVIII of 1993 on mining. The successful bidders may conclude contracts within 90 days from the announcement of results.

This year’s calls for tenders also commanded great interest. Eleven bids were received in total in response to seven calls for ten mining concessions announced by the Ministry. Each of the bids qualified as formally valid. Since no bid was received for the Heves, Körösladány and Zala East hydrocarbon concession areas, the relevant invitations to tender were unsuccessful.

The Hungarian mining concession system, which is in line with international industry practice, has created favourable conditions for encouraging investments to the sector. The tenders invited so far, which serve the implementation of responsible, sustainable mineral resource management and an increase in the security of supply, have met with a favourable reception among mining contractors. In order to facilitate mining prospecting and production activities in Hungary, the Ministry of Development plans to publish concession tenders also in the future, which can ensure that the interest of industry investors is maintained.

(Ministry of National Development, Communications Division /Hungarian Office for Mining and Geology)