At a press conference in Budapest on Wednesday, Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office János Lázár said that a double border barrier is needed along the entire length of the 177-kilometre-long Hungarian-Serbian border.

According to the Minister, even though there have only been a few cases in which the fence has been cut by those crossing the border, two temporary border barriers should be built along the entire section.

Mr. Lázár pointed out that the “mission” of both security fences is “temporary”, as Hungary does not plan on closing its southern borders in the long term. (In addition to the fence, a rapidly installed razor wire barrier will also be put in place.)

The Minister said that it is certain that the border barrier currently being constructed along most sections of the border – which will be in place by the end of August – will need further reinforcement, depending on migration pressure; he added that in essence the two types are being constructed at the same time.

He said that, as a Parliamentary representative in Csongrád County, he will ask the Government to establish a double border barrier in the districts represented by him.

He also noted that on 18 August the Government will discuss the details of a report by Minister of Defence Csaba Hende and Minister of Interior Sándor Pintér.

Furthermore, he announced that the Government has decided to establish temporary refugee camps outside inhabited areas.
He explained that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has asked the Minister of Interior to maintain constant dialogue with local residents, civil society organisations and local governments.

According to the plans, the temporary refugee camps will be established outside the settlements concerned, for example in abandoned shooting ranges, which are kilometres away from residential areas, Mr. Lázár added.
He also said that signs of organised trafficking are noticed on a daily basis by those living close to the southern border. Some illegal immigrants are in possession of inexplicably large amounts of money, “which they are obviously using for corrupt purposes”, Mr. Lázár said. He emphasised that “We are not building the temporary border barrier against political refugees, but against people smugglers and those crossing the border illegally”.

(The Prime Minister's Office)