The Hungarian government expects the competent EU bodies to take action against migrant caravans and prevent them from setting off.

Parliamentary and Strategic State Secretary Balázs Orbán from the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said on Hungarian M1 television’s Wednesday morning current affairs program: “Hungary will protect the borders no matter what, and the fence will stand, but migrant caravans must be prevented from stepping foot onto EU soil at all costs, as there is no other solution”.

Moreover, according to the State Secretary, it is clear that the caravans are being organised online with the help of social media, and this can be no accident. “These operations have become political products that are in effect being employed by the pro-migration forces,” he added.

Speaking on Kossuth Radio’s “Good Morning, Hungary!” show, Mr. Orbán said: “The caravans have one sole aim, and that is to exert pressure on member states that do not support migration, and get them to open the gates, the borders.”