“Hungary will still take action against migration even if it is not to the liking of the Venice Commission”, Parliamentary State Secretary Balázs Orbán from the Prime Minister’s Office said on Hungarian M1 television’s Monday morning current affairs program.

The official opinion of the Venice Commission adopted on Friday calls on the Hungarian Government to withdraw certain provisions of the “Stop Soros” legislative package, claiming that they seriously hinder the activities of legally operating non-governmental organisations.

In reaction, Mr. Orbán said that the Venice Commission fundamentally has the right to put forward opinions of an advisors nature, but that it is clear that politics has been appearing to an increasing extent in these opinions recently. The European Union is using the Commission’s opinion increasingly often as a tool for applying political pressure.

“If the international organisation is incapable of recognising that the old legal instruments do not provide a solution to the new migration crisis, then there is nothing to be done”, the State Secretary said.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)